Beiträge von Psk

    I called the dealer and instead of me being angry he was so angry that I even mention this issue. He told me that it was painted due to the scratches and he was not supposed to tell me anything. When I asked for unfallfrei bescheid he hanged up the phone!

    Isn't this my right to get a bescheid?

    thanks for the all comments.

    It was a car dealer in Aachen but I live in Munich.

    The car had like 13K when I brought it and I bought it as unfall frei.

    The contract is a sheet of paper from the dealer and he also wrote by his hand writing that the car is unfall frei.

    Last month I was in the opel dealer for the first inspection and he said that my car is from Bulgaria and the first owner did something that he could not read and he also did not give me anything since it was personal data :/

    Thanks for the reply.

    I bought it as unfall frei and when I showed it to an opel handler, he said that this is probably not because of an accident and sometimes it's like this but it is too late to complain to opel!